**SaLva & EsTeFaNy**26/8/09
jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011
martes, 8 de marzo de 2011
martes, 22 de febrero de 2011
jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011
jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011
domingo, 22 de febrero de 2009
renewable energy

Renewable energy is energy generated from natural resources—such as sunlight,[2] wind, rain, tides and geothermal heat—which are renewable (naturally replenished). In 2006, about 18% of global final energy consumption came from renewables, with 13% coming from traditional biomass, such as wood-burning. Hydroelectricity was the next largest renewable source, providing 3% (15% of global electricity generation),[1] followed by solar hot water/heating, which contributed 1.3%. Modern technologies, such as geothermal energy, wind power, solar power, and ocean energy together provided some 0.8% of final energy consumption.[1]
Climate change concerns coupled with high oil prices, peak oil and increasing government support are driving increasing renewable energy legislation, incentives and commercialization. Investment capital flowing into renewable energy climbed from $80 billion in 2005 to a record $100 billion in 2006.[3]
Wind power is growing at the rate of 30 percent annually, with a worldwide installed capacity of over 100 GW,[4] and is widely used in several European countries and the United States.[5] The manufacturing output of the photovoltaics industry reached more than 2,000 MW in 2006,[6] and photovoltaic (PV) power stations are particularly popular in Germany and Spain.[7] Solar thermal power stations operate in the USA and Spain, and the largest of these is the 354 MW SEGS power plant in the Mojave Desert.[8]. The world's largest geothermal power installation is The Geysers in California, with a rated capacity of 750 MW.[9] Brazil has one of the largest renewable energy programs in the world, involving production of ethanol fuel from sugar cane, and ethanol now provides 18 percent of the country's automotive fuel.[10] Ethanol fuel is also widely available in the USA.
While there are many large-scale renewable energy projects and production, renewable technologies are also suited to small off-grid applications, sometimes in rural and remote areas, where energy is often crucial in human development.[11] Kenya has the world's highest household solar ownership rate with roughly 30,000 small (20–100 watt) solar power systems sold per year.[12]
Some renewable energy technologies are criticised for being intermittent or unsightly, yet the market is growing for many forms of renewable energy. In response to the G8's call on the IEA for "guidance on how to achieve a clean, clever and competitive energy future", the IEA reported that the replacement of current technology with renewable energy could help reduce CO2 emissions by 50% by 2050.
Wind power
Main article: Wind power
Vestas V80 wind turbinesAirflows can be used to run wind turbines. Modern wind turbines range from around 600 kW to 5 MW of rated power, although turbines with rated output of 1.5–3 MW have become the most common for commercial use; the power output of a turbine is a function of the cube of the wind speed, so as wind speed increases, power output increases dramatically.[17] Areas where winds are stronger and more constant, such as offshore and high altitude sites, are preferred locations for wind farms.
Since wind speed is not constant, a wind farm's annual energy production is never as much as the sum of the generator nameplate ratings multiplied by the total hours in a year. The ratio of actual productivity in a year to this theoretical maximum is called the capacity factor. Typical capacity factors are 20-40%, with values at the upper end of the range in particularly favourable sites.[18][19] For example, a 1 megawatt turbine with a capacity factor of 35% will not produce 8,760 megawatt-hours in a year, but only 0.35x24x365 = 3,066 MWh, averaging to 0.35 MW. Online data is available for some locations and the capacity factor can be calculated from the yearly output.[20][21]
Globally, the long-term technical potential of wind energy is believed to be five times total current global energy production, or 40 times current electricity demand. This could require large amounts of land to be used for wind turbines, particularly in areas of higher wind resources. Offshore resources experience mean wind speeds of ~90% greater than that of land, so offshore resources could contribute substantially more energy.[22] This number could also increase with higher altitude ground-based or airborne wind turbines.[23]
Wind power is renewable and produces no greenhouse gases during operation, such as carbon dioxide and methane.
Water power
Main article: Hydropower
Energy in water (in the form of kinetic energy, temperature differences or salinity gradients) can be harnessed and used. Since water is about 800 times denser than air,[24][25]
even a slow flowing stream of water, or moderate sea swell, can yield considerable amounts of energy.
One of 3 PELAMIS P-750 Ocean Wave Power engines in the harbour of Peniche/ Portugal.There are many forms of water energy:
Hydroelectric energy is a term usually reserved for large-scale hydroelectric dams. Examples are the Grand Coulee Dam in Washington State and the Akosombo Dam in Ghana.
Micro hydro systems are hydroelectric power installations that typically produce up to 100 kW of power. They are often used in water rich areas as a Remote Area Power Supply (RAPS). There are many of these installations around the world, including several delivering around 50 kW in the Solomon Islands.
Damless hydro systems derive kinetic energy from rivers and oceans without using a dam.
Ocean energy describes all the technologies to harness energy from the ocean and the sea:
Marine current power. Similar to tidal stream power, uses the kinetic energy of marine currents
Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) uses the temperature difference between the warmer surface of the ocean and the colder lower recesses. To this end, it employs a cyclic heat engine. OTEC has not been field-tested on a large scale.
Tidal power captures energy from the tides. Two different principles for generating energy from the tides are used at the moment:
Tidal motion in the vertical direction — Tides come in, raise water levels in a basin, and tides roll out. Around low tide, the water in the basin is discharged through a turbine, exploiting the stored potential energy.
Tidal motion in the horizontal direction — Or tidal stream power. Using tidal stream generators, like wind turbines but then in a tidal stream. Due to the high density of water, about eight-hundred times the density of air, tidal currents can have a lot of kinetic energy. Several commercial prototypes have been build, and more are in development.
Wave power uses the energy in waves. Wave power machines usually take the form of floating or neutrally buoyant structures which move relative to one another or to a fixed point. Wave power has now reached commercialization.
Saline gradient power, or osmotic power, is the energy retrieved from the difference in the salt concentration between seawater and river water. Reverse electrodialysis (PRO) is in the research and testing phase.
Vortex power is generated by placing obstacles in rivers in order to cause the formation of vortices which can then be tapped for energy.
Deep lake water cooling, although not technically an energy generation method, can save a lot of energy in summer. It uses submerged pipes as a heat sink for climate control systems. Lake-bottom water is a year-round local constant of about 4 °C.
martes, 3 de febrero de 2009
Charles Robert Darwin
Charles Robert Darwin(1809-1882)
Darwin fue un científico británico, quien sentó las bases de la teoría moderna de la evolución con su concepto del desarrollo de todas las formas de vida a través del proceso lento de la selección natural. Su trabajo tuvo una influencia decisiva sobre las ciencias de la vida y de la tierra, y sobre el pensamiento moderno en general.
Nació en Shrewshury, Shropshire, Inglaterra, Darwin fue el quinto hijo de una familia inglesa rica y sofisticada. Después de graduarse de la escuela en Shrewsbury en 1825, Darwin fue a la universidad de Edinburgh a estudiar medicina. En 1827 se salió y entró a la universidad de Cambridge para preparándose para convertirse un ministro de la iglesia de Inglaterra. Allí conoció a dos figuras: el geólogo Adam Sedgwick, y el naturista John Stevens Henslow. Henslow no solamente le ayudó a ganar más confianza en sí mismo, sino que también enseñó a su alumno a ser un observador meticuloso y cuidadoso de los fenómenos naturales y a ser un coleccionista de especímenes. Después de graduarse de Cambridge en 1831, Darwin de 22 años fue invitado a bordo del barco inglés de investigación HMS Beagle, por la amplia recomendación de Henslow, como un naturalista sin pago en una expedición científica alrededor del mundo.
El viaje del Beagle
La tarea de Darwin como un naturalista a bordo del Beagle le dió la oportunidad de observar las diversas formaciones geológicas en diferentes continentes e islas a lo largo del camino, así como una amplia variedad de fósiles y organismos vivos. En sus observaciones geológicas, Darwin se impresionó con el efecto que las fuerzas naturales tuvieron en la forma de la superficie de la tierra.
En aquella época, la mayoría de los geólogos se adherían a la teoría de la catástrofe, la cual dice que la tierra ha experimentado una sucesión de creaciones de vida animal y vegetal, y que cada creación había sido destruida por una catástrofe repentina, como un levantamiento o convulsión de la superficie de la tierra. De acuerdo con esta teoría, la más reciente catástrofe, el diluvio universal, eliminó toda la vida excepto aquellas formas que se llevaron en el arca. El resto estuvo visible solamente como fósiles. Desde el punto de vista de los catastrofistas, las especies fueron creadas individualemente e inmutables, esto es, sin cambio por el paso del tiempo.
El punto de vista de los catastrofistas, fue cuestionado por el geólogo inglés Sir Charles Lyell en su trabajo de dos volúmenes Principios de Geología (1830-33). Lyell sostenía que la superficie de la tierra está sufriendo un cambio constante, como resultado de las fuerzas naturales que operan uniformemente durante largos periodos de tiempo.
A bordo del Beagle, Darwin encontró que muchas de sus observaciones encajaban en la teoría uniformista de Lyell. Sin embargo, más allá de eso, se dió cuenta de que algunas de sus propias observaciones de fósiles y plantas y animales encajaban sin duda en la teoría de Lyell que las especies fueron especialmente creadas. Notó por ejemplo, que ciertos fósiles de especies supuestamente extintas recordaban estrechamente especies vivientes en la misma área geológica. En las islas Galápagos, frente a la costa de Ecuador, también observó que cada isla mantenía su propia forma de tortuga de tierra, sinsonte, y finzón; las diversas formas estuvieron relacionadas estrechamente pero diferían en la estructura y hábitos de comer de isla a isla. Darwin concluyó que estas especies no habían aparecido en ese lugar sino que habían migrado a las Galápagos procedentes del continente. Darwin no se dió cuenta en ese momento que los pinzones de las diferentes islas del archipiélago pertenecían a especies distintas. Ambas observaciones originaron la pregunta, para Darwin, de posibles enlaces entre especies distintas pero similares.
Teoría de la Selección Natural
Después de regresar a Inglaterra en 1836, Darwin empezó a recopilar sus ideas sobre la habilidad de las especies para cambiar en sus Cuadernos de la Transmutación de las Especies. La explicación de Darwin de como evolucionaron los organismos le surgió después de leer Un Ensayo del Principio de la Población (1798), por el economista británico Thomas Robert Malthus, quien explicó como las poblaciones humanas mantenían el equilibrio. Malthus argumentaba que ningún incremento en la disponibilidad de la comida para la supervivencia humana básica no podría compensar el ritmo geométrico del crecimiento de la población. Lo último, por lo tanto, tenía que ser verificado por las limitaciones naturales como el hambre y la enfermedad, o por acciones humanas como la guerra.
Darwin aplicó inmediatamente el razonamiento de Malthus a los animales y a las plantas, y hacia 1838 había elaborado ya un bosquejo de la teoría de la evolución a través de la selección natural. Durante las dos décadas siguientes trabajó en su teoría y otros proyectos de historia natural. (Darwin era rico independientemente y nunca tuvo que ganar un sueldo.)
La teoría de Darwin se hizo pública por primera vez en 1858 en un documento presentado al mismo tiempo que Alfred Russel Wallace, un naturalista joven quien había llegado independientemente a la teoría de la selección natural. La teoría completa de Darwin se publicó en 1859, como El Origen de las Especies. Se le conocía como "El libro que sacudió al mundo", El Origen se agotó el primer día de la publicación y lo mismo sucedió con seis ediciones posteriores.
La teoría de la evolución por selección natural de Darwin trata esencialmente que, debido al problema del suministro de comida descrito por Maltus, las crías nacidas de cualquier especia compiten intensamente por la supervivencia. Los que sobreviven, que darán origen a la próxima generación, tienden a incorporar variaciones naturales favorables (por leve que pueda ser la ventaja que éstas otorguen), el proceso de selección natural, y estas variaciones se pasan por herencia. Por lo tanto, cada generación mejorará su adaptabilidad con respecto a las generaciones precedentes, y este proceso gradual y continuo es la causa de la evolución de las especies. La selección natural es sólo una parte del vasto esquema conceptual de Darwin; también presentó el concepto de que todos los organismos relacionados son descendientes de ancestros comunes. Además, proporcionó apoyo adicional para los conceptos anteriores de que la tierra misma no está estática sino evolucionando.
Reacciones a la Teoría
La reacción al Origen fue inmediata. Algunos biólogos argumentaron que Darwin no pudo probar su hipótesis. Otros criticaron el concepto de variaión de Darwin, argumentando que el no pudo explicar ni el origen de las variaciones ni como se pasaron a las generaciones sucesivas. Esta objeción científica en particular no se contestó hasta el nacimiento de la genética moderna en los inicios del siglo XX. De hecho, muchos científicos continuaron expresando sus dudas durante los 50 a 80 años siguientes. Los ataques más publicados sobre las ideas de Darwin, no vinieron de los científicos sino de los opositores religiosos. El pensamiento de que cosas vivientes habían evolucionado por procesos naturales negaron la creación especial de la raza humana y parecío poner a la humanidad en el mismo plano que los animales; ambas ideas fueron serias amenazas a la opinión teológica ortodoxa.
Los últimos años
Darwin pasó el resto de su vida desarrollando diferentes aspectos de problemas surgidos por el Origen. Sus libros posteriores, incluyendo La Variación de los Animales y Plantas bajo Domesticación (1868), El Descendiente del Hombre (18719, y La Expresión de las Emociones en los Animales y el Hombre (1872), fueron exposiciones detalladas de temas que se habían limitado a pequeñas secciones del Origen. La importancia de su trabajo fue reconocida por sus contemporáneos; Darwin fue elegido por la Sociedad Real (1839) y por la Academia Francesa de Ciencias (1878).
Podemos mencionar otras obras como Zoology of the Voyage of the Beagle (Zoología del viaje del Beagle; 1840); Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication (Variaciones de animales y plantas domesticados; 1868); Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex (La descendencia del hombre y la selección con relación al sexo; 1871). Fue enterrado en la Abadía de Westminster.
Darwin fue un apellido ilustre de una familia de científicos ingleses.
lunes, 26 de enero de 2009
Hand saw

A coping saw is a type of hand saw used to cut intricate external shapes and interior cutouts in woodworking or carpentry. It is widely used to cut moldings to create coped rather than miter joints. It is also occasionally used to create fretwork though it is not able to match a fretsaw in intricacy of cut, particularly in thin materials. Coping saw blades are always thicker and much coarser cutting than typical fretsaw blades.
A coping saw consists of a thin, hardened steel blade, stretched between the ends of a square, C-shaped, spring-steel frame to which a handle is attached. The blade is easily removed from the frame so that the blade can be passed through a drilled hole in the middle of a piece of wood. The frame is then re-attached to the blade and the cut starts from the middle of the piece. Long cuts parallel with the edge of the material are possible but the shallow depth of the frame rather limits how far from the edge one may cut. The much deeper frame of the fretsaw is more useful for cutting well away from the edge but conversely cannot manage the thicker materials commonly cut by the coping saw.
The coping saw blade is removable by partially unscrewing the handle. The blade is prevented from rotating by means of the short, steady bar provided where the blade is attached. Loosening the handle also allows the blade to be rotated relative to the frame as desired. Carefully aligning the finger steady bars at the top and bottom of the blade ensures that the thin blade is straight and not twisted along its length. Retightening the handle tensions the blade and locks it at the desired angle relative to the frame. The short steady bar nearest the handle is held securely between finger and thumb while the handle is tightened to ensure the blade remains at the desired angle. Unlike the fretsaw the coping saw blade has holding pins which lock securely into the angled slots of the rotatable blade holders.
The direction of the cut is relatively easy to change because of the thinness of the blade. Gentle curves are achieved by slowly turning the whole frame by means of the handle while continuing to cut steadily. When necessary the blade can also be rotated with respect to the frame to make sharper curves in the material being cut. The teeth on a coping saw blade should normally face the handle. (i.e."backwards" as compared with most other Western saws); the action of pulling the coping saw allows the frame to remain in tension (and thus reduces blade breakages). This is the opposite to most other saws which only cut in the "push" direction. Normally the coping saw is used in the vertical position and reciprocated by hand power for the maximum stroke possible without striking the material with the frame. This takes much practice. It may also be used in all other attitudes when the work requires it but even greater skill is required. Blade breakage is fortunately much rarer than with a fretsaw.
A Coping saw (with the correct blade) can also be used to cut through aluminium tubing and other metal objects, though a Hacksaw is much more efficient than a coping saw for this task. The thin blade tends to make wavy cuts in thick materials unless skill is achieved by long practice on a wide variety of materials of varying thicknesses. The stroke length before the frame strikes the material above or below is the limiting factor in the maximum thickness of material. The work becomes progressively more difficult and tiring with increasing thickness of material.
A Coping saw is often used with a v-board, also known as a birdsmouth board, which is a flat board with a "V" shape cutout in one end. In use, the v-board is clamped to the bench so that the section with the cutout hangs over the edge. This allows the work to be held down flat whilst shapes are cut into it. Either the work or the saw frame may be rotated. The V-cutout allows the coping saw blade to pass through the work unimpeded. This technique is common in marquetry. Pressed, chrome-plated, steel V-boards are also quite common though care must be taken to avoid damaging the blade teeth by excessive rubbing on this hard material.
A coping saw consists of a thin, hardened steel blade, stretched between the ends of a square, C-shaped, spring-steel frame to which a handle is attached. The blade is easily removed from the frame so that the blade can be passed through a drilled hole in the middle of a piece of wood. The frame is then re-attached to the blade and the cut starts from the middle of the piece. Long cuts parallel with the edge of the material are possible but the shallow depth of the frame rather limits how far from the edge one may cut. The much deeper frame of the fretsaw is more useful for cutting well away from the edge but conversely cannot manage the thicker materials commonly cut by the coping saw.
The coping saw blade is removable by partially unscrewing the handle. The blade is prevented from rotating by means of the short, steady bar provided where the blade is attached. Loosening the handle also allows the blade to be rotated relative to the frame as desired. Carefully aligning the finger steady bars at the top and bottom of the blade ensures that the thin blade is straight and not twisted along its length. Retightening the handle tensions the blade and locks it at the desired angle relative to the frame. The short steady bar nearest the handle is held securely between finger and thumb while the handle is tightened to ensure the blade remains at the desired angle. Unlike the fretsaw the coping saw blade has holding pins which lock securely into the angled slots of the rotatable blade holders.
The direction of the cut is relatively easy to change because of the thinness of the blade. Gentle curves are achieved by slowly turning the whole frame by means of the handle while continuing to cut steadily. When necessary the blade can also be rotated with respect to the frame to make sharper curves in the material being cut. The teeth on a coping saw blade should normally face the handle. (i.e."backwards" as compared with most other Western saws); the action of pulling the coping saw allows the frame to remain in tension (and thus reduces blade breakages). This is the opposite to most other saws which only cut in the "push" direction. Normally the coping saw is used in the vertical position and reciprocated by hand power for the maximum stroke possible without striking the material with the frame. This takes much practice. It may also be used in all other attitudes when the work requires it but even greater skill is required. Blade breakage is fortunately much rarer than with a fretsaw.
A Coping saw (with the correct blade) can also be used to cut through aluminium tubing and other metal objects, though a Hacksaw is much more efficient than a coping saw for this task. The thin blade tends to make wavy cuts in thick materials unless skill is achieved by long practice on a wide variety of materials of varying thicknesses. The stroke length before the frame strikes the material above or below is the limiting factor in the maximum thickness of material. The work becomes progressively more difficult and tiring with increasing thickness of material.
A Coping saw is often used with a v-board, also known as a birdsmouth board, which is a flat board with a "V" shape cutout in one end. In use, the v-board is clamped to the bench so that the section with the cutout hangs over the edge. This allows the work to be held down flat whilst shapes are cut into it. Either the work or the saw frame may be rotated. The V-cutout allows the coping saw blade to pass through the work unimpeded. This technique is common in marquetry. Pressed, chrome-plated, steel V-boards are also quite common though care must be taken to avoid damaging the blade teeth by excessive rubbing on this hard material.
lunes, 27 de octubre de 2008
Lara Croft

Lara Croft is a very popular young woman. Fans write letters to her, build websites about her, tattoo her image on their bodies and even ask her to marry the. There´s only one problem - she´s not real! Lara is a virtual character in a virtual world.
Lara began life in 1996 as the main character of the main character of the Tomb Raider computer games. Lara is British. She´s tall and attractive with long, straight, brown hair and big, dark eyes. She can fight any man and speak many diferent languages. Lara also enjoys doing adventurous and energetic things and doesn´t mind being in dangerous situations.
From the beginning, people of all ages loved playing the Tomb Raider computer games and soon they became the most popular games in the world. In 2001, Lara arrived in Hollywood in two Tomb Raider films starring Angelina Jolie. Angelina is also attractive and adventurous and she doesn´t mind working hard.
Angelina likes being Lara Croft - and when she´s wearing the right clothes and she´s got the right hairstyle, it´s hard to believe she isn´´ t.
Lara began life in 1996 as the main character of the main character of the Tomb Raider computer games. Lara is British. She´s tall and attractive with long, straight, brown hair and big, dark eyes. She can fight any man and speak many diferent languages. Lara also enjoys doing adventurous and energetic things and doesn´t mind being in dangerous situations.
From the beginning, people of all ages loved playing the Tomb Raider computer games and soon they became the most popular games in the world. In 2001, Lara arrived in Hollywood in two Tomb Raider films starring Angelina Jolie. Angelina is also attractive and adventurous and she doesn´t mind working hard.
Angelina likes being Lara Croft - and when she´s wearing the right clothes and she´s got the right hairstyle, it´s hard to believe she isn´´ t.
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